Case Studies

155-163 Fanshawe Street

Written by NZGBC | 22 October 2019

The building is a seven-level office building with two levels of basement car parking. The structure is reinforced concrete with precast concrete walls. The façade has double glazing IGUs throughout with spandrel panels between floors.

Project Summary

Location: 155 – 163 Fanshawe Street, Auckland

Rating achieved: 6 Green Star Office Design  

Building owner: Mansons TCLM

Architect: Architectus

Project Manager: Mansons TCLM

Service Engineer: Agile Engineering Consultants

Main contractor: Mansons TCLM

GSAP: Peter Bryant, SEEC

The key sustainable features include
  • Space CO2 sensors control outdoor air ventilation rates
  • High performance EC (electronically commutated) motors on FCUs (fan coil units) along with the Supply Air turndown function
  • The car park ventilation fans are equipped with CO sensors ramping up and down and only turning on when required
  • Low flow water fittings significantly reduce the DHW demand
  • Rainwater harvesting
  • The specified high-performance double-glazed curtain wall systems also reduces both heating and cooling demand
The following sustainable features have been recognized under its Green Star rating
  • Enhanced Commissioning and Environmental Management practices adopted
  • Energy efficient HVAC systems
  • Minimisation of construction waste
  • Low VOC flooring, applied coatings, adhesives and sealants and ceiling tiles
  • Good levels of daylight in office areas
  • Energy efficient LED lighting
  • Good lighting levels in offices to improve visual comfort
  • Low internal noise levels
  • Electrical sub-metering
  • Car parking minimisation
  • Provision of carparking for small vehicles and motorbikes
  • Proximity to mass transport
  • Reduced potable water consumption
  • Water efficient fixtures and fittings
  • Water metering
  • Low environmental impact applied coatings
  • Responsibly sourced timber
  • Lower environmental impact concrete
  • Lower environment impact steel
  • Recycling waste storage
  • Decontamination of site
  • Zero ODP refrigerants
  • Minimisation of peak stormwater flows
  • Reduced water flows to sewer
  • Reduced light pollution to night sky
Innovation Points Awarded

INN-3 EV Charging

1 Innovation point recommended for EV Charging

Ten rapid charge electric car charging points shall be provided for staff and visitors. The installation of electric car charging facilities is not recognized under the Green Star Office 2009 tool.

INN-3 Learning Resources

1 Innovation point recommended for Learning Resources.

The 155 Fanshawe Office Building shall include three learning resources. This shall be in the form of a display screen located in the reception area for all tenants and visitors to view. The following Learning resources will be displayed;

  • Energy consumption
  • Water usage
  • Contaminated land remediation

INN-3 Contractor Education

1 innovation point recommended for Contractor Education.

This project has met the requirements of the Innovation Challenge through the following initiatives:

  • Deliver training to contractors and subcontractors on the core concepts of global warming, climate change and the health impacts of minimum building practices.
  • Deliver site-specific training that highlights the sustainable solutions of the project. Training shall provide information on the Green Star Office certification being targeting and why the concept of certification is important, as well as the role people play in achieving it.
  • The contractor education training will be integrated into the compulsory site induction and the target will be for all (100%) of contractors and subcontractors to undertake this training
  • The Main Contractor (Mansons TCLM) shall demonstrate that 50% of their onsite head personal have received Green Star Practitioner or Accredited Professional Training either before or during the project