Case Studies

Ironbank Building

Written by NZGBC | 07 August 2019

The development was designed in 2006 before the Green Star rating system was available within New Zealand. Samson Corporations brief to the design team was to reduce OPEX costs, reduce tenant operating costs and minimise the impact of the development on the environment.

Project Summary

Ironbank is an office development within Auckland CBD. It comprises five separate towers around a central plaza link. Each tower is interconnected by footbridges and a central external lift core. Retail units are provided on the ground floor level with small to medium sized office tenancy spaces located between four and five levels above. A basement car stacker system was excavated below plaza level.

Project Name: Ironbank Building

Address: 150 – 154 Karangahape Rd, CBD, Auckland

Points Awarded: 60 points
Rating Achieved: 5 Green Star Office Built

Building Owner: Samson Corporation Ltd

Architect: RTA Studio

Main contractor: MacrennieCommercial Construction Ltd

GSAP: Tricia Love Consulting & Medland Metropolis

The key sustainable features of the building are:

  • The building is completely naturally ventilated with no heating provided in the base building.
  • Windows are electrically operated with a controller in each tenancy linked to a shared weather station on each tower.
  • A night time purge is carried out in summer to refresh the tenancy space
  • An energy efficient lighting design has been included using high frequency luminaires.
  • A shared central lift shaft serves all towers in the development.
  • The towers are linked by covered walkways