Case Studies

Pita Te Hori Centre

Written by NZGBC | 07 August 2019

Ngai Tahu Property's Pita Te Hori Centre – comprising the Iwikau and Te Uruti buildings - is a shining example of honouring and celebrating our heritage while embracing innovation and a sustainable future.

Situated on the historic site of the King Edward Barracks, the buildings achieved 4 Star and 5 Star Green Star Design ratings respectively. Both are targeting Green Star Built ratings.

The buildings have been designed to optimise energy and water efficiency while creating a healthy work environment, including onsite solar energy generation at Te Uruti, and plentiful cycle facilities at Iwikau.

A key feature of the development is the central aquifer heat pump which provides heating and cooling to both buildings and is also a part of the Christchurch District Energy Scheme – the first of its kind in New Zealand.

Between the buildings, Ngā Māra a Te Wera (The Gardens of Te Wera), is a place of respite that reflects the site’s Māori, European, military and police histories.  

KEB Building 1, Design Phase

Project Title: Iwikau (King Edward Barracks Building 1)

Address: 93 Cambridge Terrance, Christchurch

Rating Achieved: 4 Green Star NZ Office Design 2009

Building owner: Ngai Tahu Property Ltd

Project team

GSAP: Quentin Jackson

Main contractor: Hawkins

Architect: Warren and Mahoney

Structural/ Civil/ Services Engineer: Aurecon

Quantity Surveyor: Rider Levett Bucknall

Acoustic Consultant: Acoustic Engineering Services

Sustainable Features/Summary

The building is a 5 storey commercial office building and is part of the Kind Edward Barracks (KEB) site that encompasses the whole city block bounded by Cashel, Cambridge, Hereford and Montreal Streets in Christchurch.

The project includes

  • Being part of the Christchurch District Energy Scheme (DES) which uses a central aquifer heat pump to provide heating and cooling to all the buildings on the KEB development.
  • Exceeding TRA-3 benchmarks for providing twice as much bicycle storage facilities for the tenants.

KEB Building 2, Design Phase

Green Star NZ Tool: Office Design 2009

Project Title: Te Urutῑ (King Edward Barracks Building 2)

Address: 48 Hereford Street, Christchurch

Rating Achieved: 5 Green Star NZ Office Design 2009

Building owner: Ngai Tahu Property Ltd

Project team

GSAP: Scott Waller 

Main contractor: Hawkins

Architect: Warren and Mahoney

Project Manager: RCP

Structural Engineer: Lewis Bradford Associates

Services / Civil Engineer: Powell Fenwick Consultants

Quantity Surveyor: Rider Levett Bucknall

Acoustic Consultant: AES