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Building Momentum #17 | October 2019

Written by NZGBC | 15 April 2020

Better places for people, a new self-financing model for regional activity and an impressive Indian goal all shared the spotlight during the World Green Building Council’s Asia Pacific Regional Network (APN) bi-annual meeting in Mumbai.

After stepping off the plane, we dived straight into four days of learning, networking and being inspired by the achievements of projects across the region. Attended by delegates from the Philippines, Indonesia, Australia, Hong Kong, Singapore, India, Taiwan, South Korea, Malaysia, New Zealand and the World Green Building Council (WorldGBC), the meeting focused on using WorldGBC’s ‘Better Places for People’ campaign to better promote the health and wellbeing benefits of green buildings for occupants throughout the region. It was agreed that each country will create its own strategy to deliver the campaign, and share the knowledge, tools and outcomes of the campaign with the regional network.

The meeting coincided with the Indian Green Building Council’s own annual congress. This provided a unique insight into the organisation’s achievements, including already certifying 4.5 billion square feet of residential and commercial space. Dr Prem C Jain, Chair of the Indian Green Building Council – who, at the age of 81, shows no signs of slowing down – has set his team the hefty target of certifying 1 billion square feet of space per year for the next six years. That’s an impressive green-building footprint of 10.5 billion square feet by 2022. We hope they succeed.

While the New Zealand market is small in comparison, there are still plenty of opportunities for NZGBC to grow its footprint as it continues to transform the built environment. The Homestar rating tool will feature in our own Better Places for People campaign, kicking off with the first Homestar Leadership Conference on November 17.

The APN’s aim is to raise the profile and leadership positon of green building councils in the Asia Pacific region. The WorldGBC is currently recruiting a Regional Network Manager to assist emerging green building councils to become established, help established green building councils to raise their profile in their respective countries, and raise fund for broader outreach programs in the region.

APN is also a testing ground for the WorldGBC to trial a self-financing model for regional network activity funded through corporate partnerships. Partners will gain market advantage through their local green building council as well as green building councils across the regional network. Learn more about the Asia Pacific Regional Network, and contact Shay Singh if you would like to learn more about becoming an APN Corporate Partner.

The meeting coincided with the APN Leadership in Green Building Awards. New Zealand’s Norak Properties/Ceres Organics office and food warehouse, which has a 5 Green Star Industrial Built rating, deservedly received a finalist award for the Leadership in Sustainable Design and Performance – Commercial category.