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Carbon, streamlining, education, performance, and carbon: your feedback on Homestar

Written by NZGBC | 02 September 2020
Photo by Matt Seymour on Unsplash

Thanks to everyone who shared their knowledge, expertise and experience with us in our recent Homestar consultation. It was, by a large margin, the most successful consultation we’ve ever run, and your feedback will help us to refine and improve Homestar, and will inform the changes we make for the new version.

We’ll be launching the enhanced version of Homestar in early 2021. Before then, around November, we’ll publish a revised draft of the Homestar technical manual, and would very much welcome your feedback on the new manual before the end of the year.

In the abundance of feedback, some clear themes became apparent.

Firstly, many people would like to see Homestar v5 make improvements to performance requirements, particularly regarding thermal performance and carbon. Submitters said the NZGBC has a clear role in leading the industry and driving uptake of higher standards, however there were concerns raised about additional costs. There should be a balance that raises standards and increases engagement across the industry but doesn’t set the entry bar too high.

Secondly, Homestar should have more focus on carbon. And the feedback suggested this should include both embodied and operational through design, performance, and materials choices. Homestar should have a role in helping the industry reduce emissions, submitters said.

Thirdly, Homestar needs to be simple and streamlined. Making the tool simple, easy to understand, and easy to use will help more uptake, reduce costs, and help educate the industry.

And, fourthly, Homestar should do more to educate homeowners and tenants. A Homestar certificate is not enough for Homeowners and tenants to be well informed about their homes.

We’ve published a full report on the feedback we received here, and an accompanying appendix containing the comments we received here.

Homestar is owned, together, by all of us in the green building movement who want homes in Aotearoa to be healthy, warm, dry places for New Zealanders to thrive in. Thanks again to all of you working to achieve this vision.

If you have any further feedback, please email including “Homestar v5 feedback” in the subject line.