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Do or do not. There is no try

Written by NZGBC | 02 September 2020
Photo by Anna Popović on Unsplash

Consultations on frameworks do not normally set the world on fire. But one such process, perhaps one of the most important for our industry in recent times, is setting out to stop the fires, and the floods.

The Building for Climate Change public consultation kicked off on Monday. It’s hugely more important than words like ‘consultation’ and ‘frameworks’ make it appear. It’s a once in a generation programme to transform the building sector, and slash the climate change pollution emitted by our sector.

Organisations like yours and mine, people like you and me, now have a significant role to play in making sure the programme delivers ambitious change and positions our industry as pioneers for a zero carbon, healthier, cleaner Aotearoa. And all you have to do is take part in the consultation. We’ll be submitting our contribution soon, so do keep an eye out as we’ll post it on our social channels and our website.

While talking to some people about the Building for Climate Change programme, I’ve heard phrases along the lines of ‘the programme could be just what the industry needs’, and ‘it might result in great improvements to the Building Code’, and ‘it may deliver healthy homes and better buildings.’

That’s not the attitude of the team here at the Green Building Council.

There’s no room for ‘may’ or ‘could’ or ‘might’ when it comes to once in a generation opportunities to put our industry at the heart of a healthier, less polluting Aotearoa. The Building for Climate Change programme is going to deliver a transformational shift towards less polluting, healthier places for New Zealanders. We’re working, alongside people like you, to make sure it does.

This is the most important time ever for the building and construction sector in Aotearoa. Besides our key role in tackling climate change pollution, our industry also needs to play a key role in an effective economic stimulus. And the solution to these two challenges must have healthy, sustainable places for people at their heart.

It’s now up to people like you and me, for organisations and businesses like yours and mine, to make sure we seize this opportunity, and deliver net zero carbon buildings.

World Green Building Week 2020 is a key part of how, together, we will achieve this vision. It’s not just about awareness raising. It’s about impact. And it’s starting soon, with the week’s first event on 21 September.

To provide some certainty, we’ve decided to hold all this year’s events online. Thousands of you have tuned in to our recent webinars, and we’re looking forward to welcoming thousands more for the first ever online World Green Building Week.

We’ll be hosting a series of panel discussions tackling big topical issues, throughout World Green Building Week. Can a shovel-ready approach ever truly solve fundamental problems? Can the financial services industry be a catalyst for change? How can we fully realise the multi-billion dollar enormous potential for social and green procurement? What’s the one big idea that will deliver healthier communities in Aotearoa? How can we ensure healthier, less polluting work places become the new normal?

Do please join us for some great debates and discussions on these important issues. See you there!