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Haere ra Susan. Haere mai Marie and Kate

Written by NZGBC | 01 June 2021

This month we are sad to say goodbye to Susan Blayney, our long-serving industry engagement manager. In her place, we welcome Marie Klokova who will be supported by Kate McLeod.

Susan is about to head off to the UK to care for her “ancient” father. We wish her all the very best for her trip and a safe return to New Zealand.

“When I joined the Green Building Council in 2014 our members were still struggling with the aftermath of the GFC plus the Christchurch earthquakes. The immediate concern was seismic strengthening, environmental considerations were often dismissed as an optional add-on that often didn’t make it past the project financiers. In the last few years, the industry has become more sophisticated in its ability to deliver green buildings. Increasingly certifying a project to sustainability standards is project essential. Alongside this we have seen membership grow, now I can hardly keep up with enquiries. I’m confident our ability to connect members and provide essential resources play an integral role in delivering better buildings and communities.

“I still get a buzz from identifying Green Star buildings all over the country. Seeing a physical building after hearing or just seeing photos, is always a thrill, for instance, the iconic Te Puni Kōkiri Building in Wellington. The first time I went to Christchurch, the enigmatic Tony Moore gave me a personal tour of the trifecta 6 Green Star Certified Christchurch Civic Building. People are proud of their certified homes and buildings and ‘claim’ them as their own.

“I’d like to think I’ve left a mark on the NZGBC. Highlights include establishing the Future Thinker programme and watching it grow into a thriving network of innovative emerging professionals. Likewise, being able to respond to members requests for more action in the Waikato by establishing the NZGBC Waikato Forum. The forum now runs a popular event series showcasing businesses and best practice projects in the region.

“Of course it’s the people I’ll miss, more than the places. Meeting our members and hearing about their projects, products and services. So many great ideas and innovations out there. So many talented people giving up their personal time to help achieve the NZGBC vision. This is where the rubber hits the road, not within the walls of the NZGBC office. I was looking for a career where I could be part of the solution instead of the problem. Every day at the Green Building Council I’ve been able to do just this.” 

After a few weeks to learn the ropes, Marie Klokova is now ready for a seamless continuation of our membership services. With a proven history in industry membership organisations across New Zealand and worldwide, Marie is more than able to assist you with your requests.

Kate McLeod is thrilled to join the team too, she’ll be helping out with the heavy lifting on the admin side. Passionate about sustainability, she and Marie are both looking focused on ensuring members get the most from their involvement with the Green Building Council.

You can get in touch with the membership team at