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Healthy Homes Standards compliance deadline

Written by NZGBC | 05 November 2020

HomeFit assessors are busy with home visits in the lead up to the 1 December deadline for rental properties to meet the Healthy Homes Standards.

This is the first milestone for landlords, who need to provide a healthy homes compliance statement in most new or renewed tenancy agreements. The exception is where a fixed term tenancy is due to expire before 1 July, 2021, which is the date when rental properties first need to meet the standards.

The compliance statement shows how a rental property is tracking to meet the standards across four new areas of rental property quality: heating, ventilation, draughts, moisture ingress and drainage. Most have already meet or are in the process of being upgraded to the insulation standard that was first introduced in the Residential Tenancies Act (Insulation and Smoke Alarms).

The compliance statement is here. HomeFit is used by many assessors to show compliance with the standards.