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 Homestar Technical Clarification Rulings

Clarification Type Tool Version Month Released Credit Name Tool Category Amendment/Approved Ruling
Technical Clarification V5 October EN All projects (including attached dwellings and apartments) registered from September 1st, 2023 must achieve at least 1 pt in EN2. This means, in practice that all projects must complete a full (modules A-D) greenhouse gas life-cycle assessment of the building. Assessments of non-NZ3604 style homes (e.g. apartments) can now be carried out using the Greenstar Embodied Carbon Calculator, which is available on the NZGBC website.
Technical Clarification V5 October HC4 - Moisture Control HC 6 and 7 Homestar homes are exempt from the HC4 mandatory minimum fRsi requirements stated in the Homestar v5 Technical Manual. Thermally broken window frames with a minimum R-value of 0.25 are still required for all Homestar v5 projects This ruling is in response to uncertainty regarding the real life moisture accumulation risk of certain junction thermal bridges in New Zealand climates. The fRsi guidance provided in the Homestar v5 Technical Manual is based on static modelling with the threshold of eliminating any moisture occurring at the junctions. The approach of eliminating moisture risk by fully insulating the junctions remains prudent however static modelling does not consider other factors such as the ventilation rate of the conditioned space and the thermal mass of the envelope components. More importantly, static modelling provides no detail regarding the length of time that moisture is likely to be present in any location or if the building envelope is more or less prone to either accumulating moisture or drying out over time. Additionally, there remains several market concerns about the available options for insulating the edges of concrete slabs and concrete mid-floors. These concerns include cost and durability. NZGBC has commissioned dynamic hygrothermal modelling research to re-assess the risk of moisture accumulation over time at specific junctions within typical building envelopes. While this research is being completed and the market continues to respond to any demand for slab edge insulation, NZGBC has made the decision to allow 6 & 7 Homestar v5 projects to proceed without specific fRsi requirements. While slab edge insulation will not be explicitly required for the duration of this Technical Clarification, insulation in this location may be necessary for achieving the requirements of EF4: Energy Use and HC1: Winter Comfort.
Project Specific V5 October HC4 - Moisture Control HC The NZGBC approves the proposed alternative to meet the thermally broken window frames requirement of HC 4:mosisture control credit by demonstrating through simulation that the surface of the frame at the coldest point meets the ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 160-2021, Criteria for Moisture-Control Design Analysis in Buildings. That is the mould index is below 1 on the internal surface. This alternative approach is accepted because it fulfils the aim of the credit requirement which is to reduce condensation risk on the frames to improve IEQ, reduce risk of mould and increase durability. Also, considering that this is an existing building, there are sustainability advantages from a cost and carbon perspective for retaining the current windows, essentially while meeting the aim of the credit requirement. Please see more comments below: The project must provide evidence that: 1. Occupancy, room volume and ventilation rate for the most conservative apartments be used in the analysis; 2. Ventilation must be continuous and specified as such in the documentation; 3. Ventilation must have acoustic consideration (i.e. openings attenuated or fan noise considered) to reduce the chance occupants will turn off or block the system. We strongly recommend commissioning the mechanical system to ensure it functions as designed.
V4.1, V5 EN3 - Sustainable Materials, MAT1 – Sustainable Materials MAT, EN In both v4 and v5 of Homestar, NZGBC advises that the Responsible Products Framework may be used in lieu of the NZGBC’s Framework for Product Certification Scheme. The following Responsible Products Value (RPV) may be converted to the previous levels A, B and C: • RPV 10 or above = Level A • RPV 7 – 9 = Level B • RPV 5 – 6 = Level C New Zealand suppliers and manufacturers who aim to be rewarded for their responsible products in Homestar projects should reach out to GBCA to check if their product's certification scheme is approved. If not approved, they can ask their certification scheme provider to approach GBCA for approval. GBCA Products website Responsible Products Framework | Green Building Council of Australia ( is updating a list of recognized initiatives and in the interim, please email for the most current list.
Project Specific V4.1 October EHC4 – Surface and Interstitial Moisture
Technical Clarification V5 HC4 - Moisture Control HC Where the application of an air control system involves a blower door and/or other means of testing building permeability, an airtightness measurement can be taken at the time of application of that system. The tester (who may also be the applicator) will be responsible for the airtightness test result.