For industry professionals who need to keep up-to-date with green building practices, and be able to work successfully within a Green Star project. The Fundamentals course is a pre-requisite for attending the GSAP course.
In this masterclass for industry professionals, you'll work through a set of tools that help define the scope and methodology, and guide you on the calculation of embodied carbon. Roll up your sleeves and be prepared to get into the detail.
Green Star Advanced - Design & As Built + Interiors
For industry professionals intending to act as the core member of a Green Star project team, this course will allow you to collate and manage Green Star Design & As Built project submissions.
Have you done the Homestar Practitioner/Fundamentals course or are a Designer and want to move on to the next Level of your Accreditation? This is the right course for you if you want to use the v5 Certified Tool to conduct Homestar Assessments....
This 1-day in-person course overviews the NABERSNZ rating tool, without the necessity for an in depth understanding of the specifics of how ratings are achieved.
The Green Star Performance training is coming back to Aotearoa! Sign up for this new generation Green Star Advanced course for the Green Star Performance NZ tool, our rating tool for buildings in operation (existing buildings).