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Maintain your accreditation

Thousands of professionals across Aotearoa are helping create better, healthier, and more sustainable buildings and communities. To ensure you’re up-to-date with the latest tools and knowledge, we require those involved in supporting clients to keep their accreditations active through continuous professional development (CPD).

What is CPD?

CPD points can be earned through activities that:

  • Improve your own understanding of sustainable building practices.
  • Enhance your knowledge of NZGBC rating tools (like Homestar, Green Star, etc.).

These activities can be both NZGBC and non-NZGBC events, such as courses, webinars, or masterclasses.

How to Earn CPD Points

  • 1 point per instructional hour for all approved NZGBC events, webinars, and masterclasses.
  • 1 point for approved non-NZGBC courses or events.
  • 6 points for attending our annual Housing and Green Property Summits in full.
  • Participation in project certifications (see NZGBC CPD Manual, pg.9)

CPD Requirements for Accreditation Renewal

To renew your accreditation, you must earn the following points each year:

  • Homestar Designer: 10 points (at least 6 from NZGBC activities)
  • Homestar Assessor: 12 points (at least 8 from NZGBC activities)
  • Green Star Associate: 8 points (at least 4 from NZGBC activities)
  • Green Star Accredited Professional: 10 points (at least 6 from NZGBC activities)
  • NABERSNZ Trainee/Accredited Assessor: 6 points (at least 4 from NZGBC activities)
  • NABERSNZ Practitioner: No minimum points required
  • HomeFit Assessor: No minimum points required

Important Notes

  • CPD points expire 1 year after completion.
  • CPD points are tool-specific and this will be clearly indicated when registering for events.
  • Some external events are pre-approved for CPD points. Check our website for a list of approved events.

For more details, refer to the NZGBC CPD Manual.

If you hold one or more accreditation in Green Star, you will only need to gain 10 CPD points per renewal period (they can overlap).

If you hold a Green Star and Homestar accreditations, you will need to gain 10-12 points for each accreditation per renewal period.

To request CPD points:

  1. Submit the Education CPD Points Claim Form

  2. Attach any required supporting evidence

When your points are approved you will be notified and you will see the allocation on your website profile.

In case of any queries, please do reach out to our Professional Development Team

If you hold a qualification with NZGBC, you will see your eligible CPD point count attached to your accreditation on the professional development tab on your NZGBC profile dashboard.

  • CPD points will only show if they are specific to the tool of your accreditation, e.g. Homestar Designer will have linked Homestar points.
  • CPD points expire after a year, so they will only show against your qualification if they are still current.


Renewal cycles and fees

Different accreditations have varying renewal periods and pricing. Checkout the sections below for full pricing relevant to your accreditation. Please note, our Fundamentals courses do not require renewal.  

Late renewals will incur a $75 admin fee on top of the renewal fee.

Green Star accreditation renewals are due every year.

Renewal fees - Green Star Associate 

  • NZGBC member - $100

  • Non-member- $150

Renewal fees - Green Star Accredited Professional (GSAP)

  • NZGBC member - $150

  • Non-member- $225

You will be emailed an invoice one month before your accreditation is due to expire if you have completed the renewal requirements.

Homestar renewals are due every year.

Renewal fees - Homestar Designer

  • NZGBC member - $100

  • Non-member- $150

Renewal fees - Homestar Assessor

  • NZGBC member - $150

  • Non-member- $225

You will be emailed an invoice one month before your accreditation is due to expire if you have completed the renewal requirements.

There is no renewal fee for the NABERSNZ Practitioner accreditation 

NABERSNZ Trainee/Accredited Assessor renewals are due every year.

Renewal fees 

  • NZGBC member & non-member $455

You will be emailed an invoice one month before your accreditation is due to expire if you have completed the renewal requirements.


HomeFit renewals are due every year. 

Renewal fees - HomeFit Assessor

  • NZGBC member - $150

  • Non-member - $225

You will be emailed an invoice one month before your accreditation is due to expire. Maintaining the accreditation is essential for your app subscription, if you fail to pay your renewal, access to the assessor app will be denied.

If you have any questions regarding maintaining your accreditation, please get in touch.