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Homestar for home buyers

All the information you need when building or buying a Homestar home.

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Looking for a better, healthier home?

A Homestar certification should give you the confidence that your home will be more sustainable, easier to keep warm and, depending on how you choose to live and use its features, have lower running-costs. 

Homestar provides a clear framework for home sustainability and performance. It’s a comprehensive, independent tool that awards points across various credits to rate a home’s performance and environmental impact. There are mandatory minimum requirements around keeping the home, warm, dry, well-ventilated and resource efficient. 

Homestar is only available for new homes or major home renovations. So, if you're working with an architect or a group home builder, be sure to let them know your intention to build a Homestar rated home from the outset. This will ensure that your house design incorporates the key criteria required for the build, eliminating the need to make changes along the way. 

To achieve a Homestar rating, a home is independently assessed against strict health, efficiency and sustainability criteria. That assessment is then audited by the New Zealand Green Building Council, so you can trust the rating

Help slash emissions

The average new New Zealand home produces more than five times too much pollution for our planet to avoid catastrophic climate change. Homestar promotes and incentivises the use of more sustainable materials, less waste, and supports projects to embed more sustainable design and construction practices.


Make cold, damp homes a thing of the past 

Everyone deserves to live in a warm, dry, comfortable home that doesn't cost the earth to run. Unfortunately, the majority of New Zealand homes fail to deliver the homes we deserve. Homestar sets a higher standard for vital things like insulation, heating, and ventilation, to help keep you and your whānau happy and healthy.

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Use less water and energy

Homestar promotes and incentivises homes that are designed and built in way that reduce emissions and keep your operating costs down. From basic steps such as installing LED lighting and efficient water heating, to major decisions such as installing heat-recovery mechanical ventilation systems or solar. Homestar awards and recognises efforts to keep energy and water use to a minimum.


Access green finance

Sustainable building and Homestar can help open up your build to sustainable finance offers. Ask your bank what financial incentives they can offer as you create a more sustainable home.


How to get a Homestar certification

Homestar was developed for new homes and helps guide project teams to build above the Building Code. As a result Homestar should be embedded right from the outside.

Homestar ratings are possible for major renovations of existing homes. Get in touch with one of our Homestar professionals to discuss whether this is right for you. 

Find a Homestar professional
The best place to start is to find someone trained up and able to guide you through your Homestar journey. Many are architects, builders, developers, and industry professionals with the latest knowledge in sustainable design and construction.
Check out our professionals directory
Register your project
Your Homestar Assessor will help you register your project.

You can register via the form here
Design and build your home
Your Homestar professional will provide guidance using the the Homestar tools and calculators to find what will work best for your home right from the design stage. This will allow you to embed sustainability right from the start, and ensure everyone involved in the project understands what's involved in achieving your desired Homestar rating.
Have your home assessed
Your Homestar Assessor will gather the relevant documentation and evidence before submitting it to the NZGBC on your behalf. This submission will outline what criteria have been fulfilled, and what star rating is being sought.


Assessment audited
The Homestar documentation and assessment is sent to an independent third party to be audited to ensure accuracy and validity. 


Celebrate your rating!
Once the final assessment is complete you will be awarded your Homestar certificate. Ka rawe!


Exemplary New Zealand homes

Explore our growing library of remarkable New Zealand homes, and find out what it takes to build a Homestar home

Find a Homestar professional

Find a professional trained in the latest sustainable building practices to guide you through the Homestar certification process, and get your project on track for a rating.