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Green Star Communities

Low carbon precincts, neighbourhoods and communities at scale

GS case studies-1

Green Star Communities assesses the planning, design and construction of large-scale development projects including precincts, neighbourhoods and entire communities.

Green Star Communities NZ works to support everyone from property developers through to policy makers to assess and promote the development of sustainable communities against best practice sustainability benchmarks. 

In New Zealand, we're seeing projects such as Hamilton City Councils' Peacocke development and Kiwi Property's Drury town centre using Green Star - Communities to deliver lower carbon, more human-centric, healthier communities.

What makes a Green Star community?

Green Star Communities assesses projects against a holistic set of distinct social, environmental and economic categories

The Green Star Communities rating tool helps governments and development teams aiming to deliver sustainable communities around New Zealand to:

  • provide diverse, affordable, inclusive and healthy places to live, work and play

  • protect, maintain and restore the natural environment by reducing developments’ ecological footprints

  • receive recognition for demonstrated leadership and commitment to sustainability

  • achieve real value for money through demonstrated whole-of-life cost savings

  • encourage opportunities for business diversity, innovation and economic development

Projects are rated on a scale of 0-6 Stars with 4 Star considered best practice, 5 Star national excellence, and 6 Star world leadership.

Aims to encourage and recognise developers and projects that demonstrate leadership within the sector, by establishing and maintaining strong governance practices. The category promotes engagement, transparency, as well as community and industry capacity building. It also seeks to ensure that community projects are resilient to a changing climate
Aims to encourage and recognise developments that deliver safe, accessible and culturally rich communities. The category encourages the development of healthy and active lifestyles, and rewards communities that have a high level of amenity, activity, and inclusiveness.
Economic Prosperity
Economic prosperity
Aims to encourage and recognise projects that promote prosperity and productivity. The category encourages affordable living and housing, investment in education and skills development, and community capacity building. This category also promotes greater productivity through emerging opportunities in the digital economy
Aims to reduce the impact of urban development on ecosystems. It encourages resource management and efficiency by promoting infrastructure, transport, and buildings, with reduced ecological footprints. The Environment category seeks to reduce the impacts of projects on land, water, and the atmosphere
Land Use and Ecology
Aims to recognise the implementation of innovative practices, processes and strategies that promote sustainability in the built environment.

Better places – for neighbourhoods, 
precincts and wider communities

A sustainable community embodies the principles of sustainable development, respecting ecological limits and natural resource constraints, encouraging prosperity and well-being while optimising conditions for human development.


With you every step of the way

Precinct and land development projects are complex and can take a long time to deliver. For this reason, Green Star Communities certification lasts a maximum of five years, after which the project can recertify. This allows projects to re-assess and improve their approach, and be recognised for progress made in delivering on the ground.

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Align with the UN Sustainable Development Goals

Green Star Communities supports projects on the path to net zero. Encouraging a holistic approach to sustainability across a raft of credits, Green Star Communities helps contribute to numerous Sustainable Development Goals.

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How to register a project

The NZGBC will provide project teams with guidance and technical support throughout the certification process to ensure successful sustainability outcomes are achieved. 

Please check your project fulfills the eligibility requirements  before registering your interest.

To register please contact the Green Star team 

Professional resources

Below you'll find all the Green Star - Communities v1.1 resources required for project teams to prepare a submission. 

Green Star Communities fact sheet


Before spending too much time on a potential project, the project team should ensure they fulfill the Eligibility Criteria outlined in the document below. We also recommend consulting the Submission Guidelines as well as the list of New Zealand specific Sustainable Sites (credit 28) in the Technical Clarifications document.

Some applying for Green Star or Green Star Communities have asked about prime agricultural land.

  • All projects on urban zoned areas and all future urban zoned areas in district plans are eligible for Green Star or Green Star Communities

  • If the project you are considering does not meet the definition above then please check the LUC classification system. Land which is classed LUC 1-3 is highly productive land and is ineligible for Green Star or Green Star Communities certification. 

Eligibility Criteria

List of Categories and Credits

Initial Certification Submission Templates


Ecological Value Calculator

Technical Clarification, CIR Rulings and Additional Guidance

Technical Feedback Form

Technical Question Form

Submission Guidelines are free for NZGBC members and Green Star Accredited Professionals.

Please login to view, or contact us to purchase a copy



Green Star Design and As Built NZv1.1 is the latest version of Green Star, effective from the 28th  April 2022. The deadline for registering projects under Green Star Design and As Built NZv1.0 will be 28th October 2022. From then on projects wishing to register may only use the Green Star Design and As Built NZv1.1 submission guidelines.

To register a project, please download the Eligibility, Registration & Submission Form from this page and submit the completed form to


If you have any questions about rating your project under Green Star – Design & As Built NZ, please contact the Green Star team on (09) 951 0733 or

Technical Resources NZ v1.0


Name File Upload Date
Eligibility Criteria  GS DAB NZv1.0.pdf


Eligibility, Registration & Submission Form EligRegSubForm DAB NZv1.0.docx 23/6/22
Green Star Certification Agreement Green Star Certification Agreement_2022 (Acceptance version).pdf 4/7/2022
Area Definition Form Area Definition Form D&B_NZv1.0.xlsx 7/6/2022
Submission Folder Structure Folder 11/04/19

Technical Question Form

NZGBC_TechnicalQuestionForm template.docx 2/07/21

Innovation Template

Innovation Template

History & Innovation


Submission Templates

DAB NZv1.0 Submission


Submission Templates Healthcare  05 Commitment to Performance_Healthcare Template NZv1_0.docx


17B Sustainable Transport Healthcare Prescriptive Pathway_Template_NZv1_0.docx



Scorecard - GS - DAB NZv1.0.xlsx 31/10/22


15&16_greenhouse gas emissions calculator-NZv1.0.xlsx

17A_Performance Pathway-Sustainable Transport Calculator_v1.2.xlsx

17B_Prescriptive Pathway-Public Transport Calculator-NZv1.0.xlsx


18A Potable Water – Performance Pathway calculator-NZv1.0 – Healthcare.xlsx





28_refrigerant-impacts-calculator-NZv1.0(updated 170122).xlsx


Calculator Guides

12_Daylight and Views Hand Calculation Guide_NZv1.0.pdf

1516_Energy Consumption and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Calculation Guide_NZv1.0(20201104).pdf

15&16_Shared Services and Low-Carbon Energy Supply Assessment Guide_NZv1.0.pdf

17A_Performance Pathway-Sustainable Transport Calculation Guide_NZv1.2.pdf

17B_Prescriptive Pathway-Public Transport Calculator Guide_NZv1.0.pdf

18_Potable Water Calculator Guide_NZv1.0.pdf

Sector Guidance Documents Green Star Industrial Guidance.pdf

Green Star Healthcare Guidance

Guidance for Green Star DAB NZv1_0 and Homestar v5 Certification of Mixed-Use Buildings.pdf

Guidance for Integrated, Cold Shell and Warm Shell Fitouts

General Submission Pointers and Guidance Guidance - Submitting for design_review.pdf

What do best practice Green Star submission look like
Submission Planner Submission Planner - GS - DAB NZv1.0.xlsx


Modelling Producer Statement

Modelling Producer Statement_DAB v3.pdf
Note: This form can't be opened through the webpage. Please download this document to your computer and open it in your PDF reader.

Construction & Demolition Waste Reporting New Zealand Green Star Construction & Demolition Waste Reporting Criteria

Waste Contractor – Disclosure Statement

Waste Processing Facility – Disclosure Statement

Updated Credits 17.4 Active Transport Facilities 
25. Stormwater
Technical Clarifications

May 2023 GS D&AB NZv1_0 TCRulings.pdf

v1.1 review  Green Star Energy Reference Building Update
Embodied Carbon in Green Star
Built Streamlining 

Built Streamlining Form DAB.docx

FAQ FAQ LIST.pdf 14/06/2022



NZGBC Members and Green Star Accredited Professionals can access the Submission Guidelines for free. Please visit the Resources for Members and GSAPs page for download.

For Non-members the Submission Guidelines for any NZGBC tool costs $600+ GST. Please email to find out more.

Technical Resources NZv1.1

Green Star Design and As Built NZv1.1 is the latest version of Green Star launched on 28th  April 2022

The deadline for registering projects under Green Star Design and As Built NZv1.0 will be 28th October 2022, after which all projects must register using the the Green Star Design and As Built NZv1.1 submission guidelines.

This page will continue to be updated with additional v1.1 resources, including the embodied carbon calculator.









Name File Upload Date
Eligibility Criteria

GS DAB NZv1.1.pdf 


Eligibility, Registration & Submission Form
EligRegSubForm DAB NZv1.1.docx
Green Star Certification Agreement
Green Star Certification Agreement_2022 (Acceptance version).pdf 4/7/2022
Area Definition Form
Area Definition Form D&B_NZv1.1.xlsx


Submission Folder Structure

Technical Question Form



NZGBC Innovation_Template.docx

History & Innovation

Financial Transparency Disclosure Template v1.1


Submission Templates

DAB NZv1.1 Submission 6/7/2022


Scorecard - GS - DAB NZv1.1.xlsx


17A_Performance Pathway_Sustainable Transport Calculator_v1.1.xlsm


17B Prescriptive Pathway Public Transport Calculator NZv1.1.xlsx



Sustainable Products Calculator NZv1.1.xlsx

Ecological Value Calculator NZv1.1.xlsx

Refrigerant Impacts Calculator NZv1.1.xlsx


1516_greenhouse gas emissions calculator-NZv1_1.xlsx

Embodied Carbon Calculator & Life Cycle Impacts 


Calculator Guides

17A Performance Pathway Sustainable Transport Calculator Guide NZv1.1.pdf

17B Prescriptive Pathway Public Transport Guide NZv1.1.pdf

18_Potable Water Calculator Guide_NZv1_1.pdf

Daylight and Views Hand Calculation Guide NZv1.1.pdf

1516_Energy Consumption and GHG Calculation Guide_NZv1_1.pdf

15&16_Shared Services and Low-Carbon Energy Supply Assessment Guide_NZv1_1.pdf

19 Embodied Carbon Calculator Guide.pdf

19 Embodied Carbon Methodology.pdf

19 Life Cycle Impacts Calculator Guide.pdf

General Submission Pointers and Guidance Guidance - Submitting for design_review.pdf

What do best practice Green Star submission look like
Submission Planner
Submission Planner DAB NZv1.1.xlsx
Modelling Producer Statement

Modelling Producer Statement v1.1.docx

Construction & Demolition Waste Reporting
New Zealand Green Star Construction & Demolition Waste Reporting Criteria

Waste Contractor – Disclosure Statement

Waste Processing Facility – Disclosure Statement

Technical Clarifications

Feb_2023_GS_D&AB v1_1 TCRulings.pdf

Please note that these are only the TC's logged for projects registered under v1.1 of the tool. For Projects registered under v1.0 of the tool, please refer to the v1.0 Technical Resources Page.

Built Streamlining

Built Streamlining Form DAB.docx


FAQ FAQ LIST.pdf 14/06/2022



NZGBC Members and Green Star Accredited Professionals can access the Submission Guidelines for free. Please visit the Resources for Members and GSAPs page for download.

For Non-members the Submission Guidelines for any NZGBC tool costs $600+ GST. Please email to find out more.