NZGBC leadership
We're engineers, architects, writers and planners. Scientists, psychologists, money-crunchers, marketers and economists. With a broad range of skills and experience, our team share a passion for better building and are here to support Aotearoa's journey to a greener future.

Andrew Eagles
Chief Executive, New Zealand Green Building Council

Andrew studied economics and public policy. He has 20 years experience in the built environment working for the government, supply chain companies and for not for profits. He has a wealth of knowledge in construction, housing, property, policy and supply chains.
Andrew joined the New Zealand Green Building Council in September 2016 as Chief Executive. The NZGBC is the country’s leading not-for-profit for the sustainable built environment. Andrew is proud to be working with his team to achieve a lower carbon healthier Aotearoa New Zealand.
As well as exemplary research, the NZGBC oversees Homestar and Green Star, the certifications confirming the health and carbon performance of New Zealand homes and buildings. The NZGBC also run NABERSNZ, and assessment of the energy performance of buildings, on behalf of central Government.
Andrew is sometimes asked to speak on panels. Andrew has made a commitment to not speak on all male panels. The NZGBC can assist in connecting you with a diverse range of great speakers, if that would be useful for your event
Sam Archer
Director of Market Transformation

DDI: 09 951 0746
Bus: 09 379 3996
Email Sam
Sam Archer is a Sustainability Consultant and Mechanical Engineer with over 18 years experience in the Construction Industry. As Director Market Transformation at the New Zealand Green Building Council, he is responsible for running the sustainability and energy assessment tools - Green Star, Homestar and NABERSNZ.
He has a passion for sustainable housing having spent 6 years creating and managing the sustainability framework for a 3000 home development for the University of Cambridge. Sam also has extensive experience in sustainability and energy strategies, including carbon policy work for UK government, sustainable urban design and low energy and passive building design.
Jill Solomon
Director of Operations

Bus: 09 379 3996
Email Jill
Jill is responsible for all aspects of Operations including IT, HR and finance. She has a Bachelor of Management Studies from the University of Waikato and is a member of the Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand.
Office hours: Monday to Thursday 8am-2pm
Jennifer Whittle
Director of Communication and Engagement

DDI: 951 0734
Bus: 09 379 3996
Email Jennifer
Jennifer started professional life as a chartered accountant in Australia. After moving into the private sector, she spent ten years in the UK and Europe working for France Telecom to franchise the Orange brand across Western and Eastern Europe, Africa and the Caribbean. On returning to Australia, Jennifer worked across financial services, construction and sustainable urban development projects. At Sydney Water, Jennifer led the Brand and External Communications Team on the award winning drought and water efficiency campaign supporting community engagement on key water and wastewater projects.
As Director, Communications and Engagement Jennifer is responsible for the team supporting members to drive change through advocacy and regulation, media relations, and servicing members through events and education.
The NZGBC Board
Our board is made up of widely respected industry leaders. Each board member represents one of the five membership categories: Construction and supply, Research and policy, Consultants, Property, and Occupiers. Board members are nominated and voted in by NZGBC members. To maintain good governance, there are also two independent directors.
Brendon Dwyer
Chair (Industry group: Consultants)

Brendon Dwyer is the General Manager of Building Services at Beca across NZ, Australia and Asia. Brendon has been an active contributor to the NZGBC, with the early formative establishment in the mid 2000’s and in technical working groups as the early Green Star tools were adopted for NZ. Brendon was opted onto the NZGBC Board as an independent board member in 2017 and elected as a core member in 2019.
This is a pivotal role providing valuable feedback from an international industry perspective to our team and direct access to a broad group of professionals operating in NZ. As part of his service on the board, Brendon is a member of the Finance, Audit and Risk sub-committee.
Beca Limited
PO Box 6345, Victoria Street West, Auckland, 1142, New Zealand
Hilary West-Reeve
(Industry group: Construction & Supply)

Hilary West-Reeve is Executive Director and Chief Sustainability Officer of Phoenix Metalman Recycling. A commercial architect for over 30 years designing sustainable buildings globally and within New Zealand’s commercial, industrial and manufacturing sectors, Hilary’s work has evolved to focus on the circular economy. Hilary has spent the last 4 years owning and leading Phoenix, an award winning New Zealand nationwide circular economy services business.
Hilary is an advisor on the NZGBC’s Expert Reference Panel for Construction & Waste, vice chair of the Sustainable Steel Council, and an Industry Advisory Group (IAG) committee member for HERA's research project ‘Circular Design for a changing environment: a design framework to reduce construction waste, lifecycle embodied carbon, and to enhance the circular economy for construction materials, with a pilot for low-rise buildings’ and ‘Developing a Construction 4.0 transformation of the Aotearoa New Zealand construction industry’. She is also on the University of Auckland’s IAG for their Circular Innovations (CIRCUIT) Research Centre.
Jane Holland
(Independent Director)

Jane Holland is a partner in the Bell Gully property department where she draws on extensive commercial property experience in both New Zealand and the United Kingdom. She advises on all property-related matters, specialising in commercial leasing and development projects and is a frequent speaker in the industry on topical leasing issues. She authored the PCNZ office lease.
She is a New Zealand Superfund appointed director to the fund’s investment in a portfolio of hotels.
Jane is an enthusiastic supporter of the work of the SPCA, is an active volunteer cat foster carer for the charity, and was on the board of SPCA Auckland.
Bell Gully
Vero Centre, 48 Shortland Street, Auckland, New Zealand
Murray Robertson
(Industry group: Construction & Supply)

Hawkins Limited
Hawkins Limited, Private Bag 93214, Parnell, Auckland, 1151, New Zealand
Robyn Phipps
(Industry group: Research & Policy)

Professor Robyn Phipps is Dean of the Faculty of Architecture and Design Innovation and Professor of Building Science at Victoria University of Wellington’s Schools of Architecture. Robyn has expertise in the design and management of healthy buildings, indoor air quality, heating and ventilation and low carbon building design. She has undertaken extensive research on solar air heaters, passive solar and low carbon buildings. She is a Director of the NZGBC (Research and Policy), Chair of the Ministry of Education Technical Advisor Group for Ventilation, a co-Director of He Kianga Oranga Healthy Housing Research group and a co-leader of the He Wharekura Oranga Healthy Schools research team and Trustee of the NZ Property Foundation.
Te Herenga Waka - Victoria University of Wellington
PO Box 600, Wellington, 6140, New Zealand
Peter Mence
(Industry Group: Property)

Peter is the Chief Executive of Argosy Property Limited. An engineer by background, Peter has 40 years of experience in the property industry working with Progressive Enterprises, Challenge Properties, Richard Ellis and Green and McCahill. Peter joined Armstrong Jones (NZ) in 1994 and was appointed General Manager of Argosy (then known as ING Property Trust) in 2007. Instrumental in the rebranding and internalisation of the company’s management Peter was appointed Chief Executive of the business in 2009.
Peter is a Fellow of the Property Institute and is a past lecturer in Advanced Property Management at The University of Auckland and is a past President of the Property Council of New Zealand. He is a current Trustee of Saint Andrews Village, and the New Zealand Sailing Trust.
In 2013 Peter was honoured with the Stuart McIntosh award in recognition of his contribution to the University of Auckland. In 2021, Peter was honoured as the Property Council New Zealand Members’ Laureate, a lifetime membership awarded once a year to the industry's most respected leaders.
Simon Neale
(Industry group: Occupiers)

Simon Neale has over 25 years of experience in the property industry. He is the Director of Property Services at Auckland University where he successfully championed building 201 to gain a 6 Green Star Design rating. Prior to that he was the Director of Estates and Facilities at the University of Sussex in the UK and Associate Vice President of Campus Infrastructure at the National University of Singapore.
Simon’s experience is broad, and he has had a long-standing interest in both conservation and environmental sustainability. Working with the fledgling Association for Environmentally Conscious Building Simon wrote the Green Building Charter for Gloucester City Council in the mid 1990’s and has also written a number of property-focused carbon management plans and sustainability strategies in the period from 2008.
Simon’s career has encompassed organizations such as the National Trust and British Museum in the United Kingdom, before focusing on education portfolios from 2008. Simon is a senior executive experienced in leading the development and operational management of multi-site property portfolios and high-profile buildings, with a proven track record of successful delivery of projects, capital programs, and property services. He is a strong advocate for a sustainable built environment.