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Environmental Product Declaration and their role in Green Buildings

Listen back to this live webinar about EPDs and their role in the transition to green buildings as NZGBC's Dani Wijekoon interviewed Dene Cook, Division Technical Manager at Firth Industries and Jeff Vickers, Technical Director at thinkstep-anz in the last webinar of NZGBC's Products & Materials series for 2020.

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We invited thinkstep-anz & Firth Industries to talk through Environmental Product Declarations, the process and how this relates to green building rating tools.

NZ concrete company Firth Industries recently released their first EPD with the help of thinkstep-anz. Firth is the latest in a growing list of companies publishing data on the embodied environmental impacts of building materials.

Listen back to this live webinar about EPDs and their role in the transition to green buildings as NZGBC's Dani Wijekoon interviewed Dene Cook, Division Technical Manager at Firth Industries and Jeff Vickers, Technical Director at thinkstep-anz in the last webinar of NZGBC's Products & Materials series for 2020.

Our interview guests joined us from thinkstep-anz and Firth Industries.

Jeff Vickers - Technical Director at thinkstep-anz
Jeff is an expert in assessing complex product life cycles ranging from buildings to agriculture, transport to electronics. He focuses on sustainability strategy, Life Cycle Assessments (LCAs) and Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs).

Dene Cook - Technical Manager at Firth Industries New Zealand Division
A qualified structural engineer, Dene has over thirty years’ experience in the building and construction industry, having worked as a consultant engineer, with the Cement & Concrete Association of New Zealand (CCANZ) and more recently Firth Industries and Fletcher Building.

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