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Green Star Buildings - 

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Green Star


What you need to know

The ‘Responsible’ category outlines credits relevant to decisions make about the design, construction, and procurement practices on a building project. It recognises activities that ensure the building is designed, procured, built, and handed over in a responsible manner. 

This event is suitable for architects, designers, sustainability consultants, builders, procurement personnel, product suppliers and manufacturers. 

What we’ll cover:  

  • Insight on the development and consultation process so far including the approach to governance by the Green Star Advisory Committee 
  • The role of the Expert Reference Panels specific to this category 
  • Deep dive into the Responsible category and the credits within 
  • Broad outline of Green Star Buildings NZ  
  • Launch calendar and transitioning from Design & As Built NZ v1.1 to Green Star Buildings NZ 

You’ll hear from: 

  • Joe Quad, New Zealand Green Building Council 
  • Justin Peberdy, NDY
  • Hilary West-Reeve, Phoenix Metals
  • Katherine Featherstone, GBCA
  • Harriet Smith, GBCA
  • Ferran de Miguel Mercader, Fletcher Building
  • Duncan Munro, Eke Panuku

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