With thanks to our Platinum Sponsor, WM New Zealand
Wednesday 22nd May 2024 | Aotea Centre, Auckland
Whatungarongaro te tangata, toitū te whenua
As people disappear from sight, the land remains.
Thank you for joining us at Housing Summit 2024
Better homes. Better lives. A better future.
The homes New Zealand builds are belching out over five times too much pollution for us to hit our vital climate targets. How can we address this major challenge, while also dealing with the ongoing issues of supply, affordability, supply chain surety, and innovation? Bringing together local and international leaders, Housing Summit 2024 was a vital opportunity to highlight some of this year's biggest challenges, solutions, and opportunities.
This year's programme included;
- delivering low carbon housing
- an update on the Government's progress and vision for the future
- baking Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) into Build-to-rent
- the opportunities and challenges in driving for a low carbon building code
- world leading international and New Zealand case studies, including 10 Homestar (v5) homes, and thriving communities embracing the principles of Te Ao Māori, nature and biodiversity.
Event Photos
Please feel free to take a look through our fantastic event photos!
Photos, Presentations and Recordings
Global Progress Report
NZGBC’s residential lead, Matthew Cutler Welsh, kicks off the day with a scene setter: the state of the market and the trends we’re seeing in house design, construction, and performance.
With a finger on the pulse, Matthew will discuss the trajectory of sustainable housing both here and abroad.
Government address: Minister Chris Penk
Building and construction Minister Chris Penk presents his vision for our sector, and how his government plans to tackle the pressing issues of supply, demand, affordability and quality.
What’s next for New Zealand’s building code?
Antonia Reid, MBIE’s Policy Director, Building for Climate Change, provides an overview of the government’s priorities for our sector, including work to streamline the building consent system, strengthen competition for building products, and updates on the department’s work to support climate change response.
International keynote: Shifting the market to Net Zero.
One of the UK’s leading minds on zero carbon, sustainable buildings Rob Pannell offers insights from his experience into how the British government and industry navigated the transition to zero carbon.
Panel: High performance homes. Delivered
Facilitated by NZGBC Homestar technical manager, Dr Damiloju Adeyina, this panel includes some of New Zealand’s early adopters when it comes to healthy, efficient, low-carbon homes. Hear how they’ve delivered ground-breaking projects, and embedded sustainability both at a project level, but also within their own organisations and industry more broadly.
The value of embodied carbon analysis – International vs local manufacturing
Dyann Stewart has been in the construction industry for 27 years in various senior management roles across the window and door industry. Dyann shares some fascinating lessons learned from a new research project for Technoform calculating and reporting upfront carbon emissions.
Peacocke – a vibrant community for over 20,000 Hamiltonians
Hamilton City Council is actively responding to forecasts of more than 10% local population growth with good planning and great partnerships. The Peacocke project is at the heart of their response – a brand-new vibrant community for over 20,000 Hamiltonians. Hear from the passionate team who are working to embed climate resilience, nature and biodiversity and Te Ao Māori design for this thriving community of more than 7000 homes.
Whenua and whare - our past, present and future housing projects
Lisa Davis, CEO of Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei Trust discusses the hapū's past, present and future housing projects. The Trust is Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei's governing entity, with the purpose to receive, administer and protect the Trust’s assets to ensure the cultural, social and commercial development of Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei for the benefit of its 7000 registered hapū members.
Panel: Designing out costs
In this session we challenge the perception that designing to the latest certification standards means more costs. Hear from some of the leaders on the ground about how they’re thinking and designing differently from the outset.
The panel, facilitated by NZGBC Director of Market Transformation Sam Archer, includes Dr. Iman Khajehzadeh - Homestar Manager at Kāinga Ora, Ankit Sharma - CEO of the Registered Master Builders Association, Chris Litten - General Manager of Research at BRANZ, and Sarah Elicker of Gracely.
Panel: Putting the ESG into Build-to-rent
Most kiwis equate wealth and stability with home ownership. Build-to-rent is hailed as a way to break this cycle, and create vibrant, secure housing and communities. Facilitated by former deputy prime minister and current Bayleys Commercial Director, Paula Bennett, this panel includes leading BTR providers and developers Kiwi Property, New Ground Capital and Sam Stubbs of Simplicity. Hear more about their approach to BTR, changing mindsets on home owners and the opportunities for New Zealand, and what it means for sustainability in the built environment
An economic lens on a better housing future
Just a week before the Government’s 2024 budget, one of New Zealand’s most well-known, and experienced economists, Shamubeel Eaqub turns his mind to housing in New Zealand, and how better homes are vital for a productive society. Rounding out a busy day, Shamubeel provides an economic lens to the drivers and actions we can take to transform our sector and society for the better.
CEO closing remarks
NZGBC chief executive Andrew Eagles rounds out the day with the Summit’s key highlights, and a call for action to support a better built, healthier Aotearoa.