New Zealand is currently operating at six times its carbon emissions targets. Buildings make up 20% of our carbon emissions.
As part of our commitment to reducing carbon emissions from the building and construction sector, we develop and maintain rating standards for the commercial and residential sectors. In working with our 520+ member organisations, we recognise the need to continuously update and improve these rating standards so that they support and extend current building practices, and drive Government and industry to go further in taking every possible step to address the current climate emergency.
And in line with our commitment to continuous improvement, we’d like to share the governance structure that is in place and invite expressions of interest from you as our members.
Green Star
Green Star Advisory Committee(GSAC) has a strategic focus and is comprised mostly of building owners and building operators. The GSAC will report to the NZGBC Board and will meet at least twice a year. The GSAC will bring a strong focus on the imperative to drive down New Zealand’s carbon emissions they will ensure that Green Star continues to evolve with the market, overcoming local barriers to uptake of sustainable building standards, and embraces new technology when possible.
At this point, we’d like to express sincere thanks to Simon Wilson of RDT Pacific for agreeing to chair the current Green Star Advisory Committee.
TheExpert Reference Panels(ERP) are focussed on specific technical issues which are identified within the tools. The following have been created to date:
Energy and Carbon in Operation
Products and Materials and Embodied Carbon
Ecology and Emissions
Health and Wellbeing
Green Star Advisory Committee and Expert Reference Panel
ERPs will meet periodically and will initially support on the current updates to the Design and As Built NZ and Interiors NZ tools.
GSAC and ERP members are asked to be on the groups for on average a period of 24 months. We are aiming for rolling replacements in the future so some might have more or less time on the panel to ensure there is not a complete replacement of all members at once.
Apply to be a part of the Green Star Advisory Committee- There are two spots remaining on the GSAC. A representative for tenants and another person, who could be from any part of the built environment. If you are passionate about improving New Zealand’s buildings, you want to contribute to make the Green Star tools the best they can be, and you have some knowledge of Green Star or plan on doing this in the near future, send through your applications.
For the Green Star ERPs we are looking for experts related to the sustainable sites credit. Candidates with knowledge of sustainable buildings and communities and the following experience would be welcome; ecologists, geographers, planners.
Following ongoing support through the development of version 5, Homestar will follow a similar structure with theHomestar Advisory Committeesupported by anExpert Review Panel(ERP).
Members of the ERP will:
Provide specialist technical advice to NZGBC and / or the Advisory Committee;
Review and provide comment on specific technical aspects of the tools as required;
Reviewing or assisting in the modification or development of credits for rating tool categories in line with your technical background or expertise; and
Reporting to the applicable NZGBC representative as required on matters relating to the rating tools and its application.
Homestar Advisory Committee and Expert Reference Panel
Simon Wilson has kindly agreed to act as Interim Chair of the Homestar Advisory Committee until a permanent lead is appointed. Thank you again Simon.
If you are chosen to be a member of the ERP you will be asked to sign a Terms of Reference and expected to participate in the meetings.
The members of the Advisory Committees and Expert Review Panels will be published on our website along with terms of reference.
A message from NZGBC Board Chair, Steve Aschebrock
Thank you to all who have joined so far. It’s terrific to see the commitment coming through already and we as a Board are looking forward to working with you as we strive to deliver on the vision for all homes and buildings in Aotearoa green and sustainable, making healthier, happier New Zealanders.