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Building for Climate Change: NZGBC submission

As a large contributor to Aotearoa's greenhouse gas emissions, the building and construction sector has an important part to play in meeting our climate change goals, including net zero carbon by 2050. 

After years of industry advocating for strong Government action, including updating our woeful building code to embed emissions as a key consideration, the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment has now launched its Building for Climate Change proposals. It's promising once in a generation reform, something we as a sector can help make happen. 

Find out more about the proposals here. 

Now is the chance for us to shape these changes and ensure they'll produce a sustainable regulatory system for the sector and for our planet. Public submissions are now open on two frameworks;

  • The Whole-of-Life Embodied Carbon Emissions Framework looks at reducing carbon emissions across a building’s whole life cycle – from the production of building materials, all the way through to what happens to the building when it’s at the end of its life.

  • The Transforming Operational Efficiency Framework focuses on reducing carbon emissions related to the operation of buildings, such as the use of heating, cooling, lighting and ventilation.

You can find the consultation documents here.

Thanks to everyone who engaged and provided feedback on our draft submission ahead of the 11 October deadline

See our full submission - NZGBC submission on the MBIE Building for Climate Change Consultation October 2020