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CEO Update: A month of milestones, driving sustainable building forward

It’s been another huge month, with some significant milestone and landmark mahi.  

Chief among them has been our response to the government’s Second Emissions Reduction Plan. If you haven’t already, I’d encourage you to take a look at our submission. The current ERP as drafted is quite risky.  It proposes only narrowly meeting the emissions budget for 2030 and this is on the back of using unproven technology of carbon capture utilisation and storage.  The NZGBC offers solutions to derisk the plan.  Using proven technologies and policies NZ can reduce emissions, providing a greater buffer and deliver better health and lower running costs for kiwi families and businesses. We provide vital emissions-busting ideas that we believe will play a crucial role in shaping a sustainable future for New Zealand. You can read our full submission here. 

One of the year’s highlights is always the Green Property Summit, which was a resounding success earlier this month. The event was sold out, reflecting the growing interest and commitment within our industry to sustainable practices, and to learning from one another. It was great to catch up with many of you, and I know it provided a useful platform for insightful discussions and meaningful new connections.  

The Summit also provided an opportunity to launch groundbreaking new research from JLL, highlighting the financial benefits of sustainable offices. The analysis demonstrates that sustainable buildings not only contribute to environmental goals but also deliver better returns on the sale of buildings, for rentals and also improved occupancy.  This is important.  The International Valuation Standards require valuers to take ESG matters into account when valuing buildings from January 2025.  So research showing green certified buildings deliver 4-9% greater returns will really help valuers hit the new requirements.   

The report comes in the wake of our recently released Sustainable Finance Guide, a comprehensive resource aimed at helping our sector and lenders navigate the complexities of our certifications and sustainable finance. This guide is an essential tool for anyone looking to integrate or leverage green certification for finance. 

August has been massive for Green Star, officially surpassing 300 certifications for new builds and retrofits: a testament to the sector’s uptake of sustainable design and construction. The appetite for fantastic spaces, and for transforming the built environment was on full display when we hit our next milestone -  the official launch of the tool’s next iteration; Green Star Buildings NZ. Thank you to everyone who has supported its development and collaborated on readying it for the New Zealand market. This innovative tool sets a new benchmark for Aotearoa’s green commercial buildings, and will help inspire global action on climate action, resource circularity and health and well-being.  

The launch of Green Star Buildings NZ brings a new era.  Certified buildings will be celebrated, whether 4 Star, 5 Star or 6 Star.    

Powerful government advocacy, new research, packed days of inspiration, transformative milestones: At a critical time I’m proud we’ve been awash with significant events. The urgency to decarbonise and get on with it cannot be overstated. We must continue to push the boundaries of what is possible in sustainable building, while ensuring we’re bringing everyone along with us. I urge each of you to remain steadfast in your efforts, to innovate, and to lead by example. 

Together, we can make a profound impact. Let’s continue to build a greener, more sustainable future for New Zealand. 


Image from Tyler Casey on Unsplash.