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New Zealand Green Building Council launches detailed design guide for Homestar


As interest in healthier, more efficient, and environmentally friendly homes increases, Te Kaunihera Hanganga Tautaiao | the New Zealand Green Building Council is launching its first Homestar Design Guide to support the industry to deliver.

Created with the support of Respond Architects, BRANZ, Te Kāhui Whaihanga New Zealand Institute of Architects, and Architectural Designers New Zealand, the design guide works to get into the detail of how to tackle issues like moisture control, embodied carbon, and indoor air quality.

View the Homestar Design Guide

“We’re now in a position where many in the industry fully appreciate the need to go over and above the New Zealand Building Code, and are using Homestar to help do that. However, we know many still need further guidance on some of the specifics of how to actually make it happen,” says Matthew Cutler-Welsh, NZGBC’s Business Development Manager- Residential.

The guide provides important information for meeting the latest version of Homestar, version 5, which introduced higher targets and new industry-leading tools for the modelling of energy and carbon emissions, and controlling overheating. With four case studies covering different housing typologies, the guide allows architects and designers to start with performance and sustainability in mind, rather than overlaying Homestar on an existing design or plan.

“Since updating the tool, we’ve seen many architects and developers try to shoe-horn the latest requirements into old designs. This can often be hugely expensive and add a raft of unnecessary challenges. As this design guide shows, it’s actually very straightforward and doesn’t need to be expensive if the requirements are considered right from the start.”

“We all want a country where people are healthy and comfortable at home, and not forced to clean up mould and condensation every winter, or spend a tremendous amount heating or cooling their house. This guide aims to help new builders, developers and architects support that vision.”

The guide was created alongside industry to ensure it provides robust guidance and a framework for the industry to succeed.

“There are huge benefits to building great spaces for our people and the planet. We’re proud to support this guide and the work our sector is doing with Homestar to embed efficiency and carbon-busting design into our homes,” says Te Kāhui Whaihanga New Zealand Institute of Architects

View the Homestar Design Guide