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Responsible Products Programme

A vision for a better future, for buildings and products.

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In partnership with Green Building Council of Australia (GBCA), we're bringing you the Responsible Products programme. 

Our collective Green Building Councils seek to reward the use of products that have lower environmental impact, are transparent, respect human rights, and reduce carbon content. Such products are an active part of the solution for a better future with a more healthy, resilient, positive and circular built environment.

The Responsible Products programme has been designed to reward products that have been recognised by an existing approved product certification scheme. The programme doesn't certify products for Green Star and Homestar directly, but instead it recognises those products that are certified by an existing product certification initiative and then calculates a Responsible Product Value (RPV) to be used towards Green Star or Homestar credits.

Is your product already recognised?

New Zealand suppliers and manufacturers who aim to be rewarded for their responsible products in Green Star and Homestar projects firstly need to determine if their product is recognised by an existing approved product certification scheme. If so, they can check if it’s registered with the Responsible Products Programme by reviewing the Responsible Products Score Checker which can be found here. If their product certification scheme is not found on the Score Checker, they are encouraged to ask their certification scheme provider to approach GBCA for approval, which will allow their product initiative to be rewarded under both the Green Star Design and As Built and Green Star Buildings tools, for use on Green Star projects in New Zealand and Australia. Residential buildings certifying under Homestar may also use the RPF. Learn more. 

Please note you'll need to create an online profile through GBCA. This is free to do and will allow you to sign into your account to use the Score Checker.

Defining Responsible Products: Responsible, Healthy, Positive and Circular

The Responsible Products Guidelines set out the criteria for all product certification schemes or similar initiatives (together referred to as 'initiatives') to be assessed against if they wish to be recognised by Green Star.  
A Responsible Product Value (RPV) is the 'score' given to an initiative after assessment against the Responsible Products Guidelines. 
A ‘Responsible Product’ is defined as a product or material that has an RPV issued by an initiative recognised by the Green Building Council of Australia.   

There are 5 key categories in the Responsible Products Guidelines: 

Technical resources

Here you'll find everything you need to guide you through your Green Star certification. 

Please note, these documents are for the latest version introduced in April 2022 - Green Star Design & As Build NZ v1.1

If you're project was registered under a previous version of Green Star you can continue to use the submission guidelines and resources associated with that version. Previous versions, including Design & As Built v1.0 can be found here.


Eligibility criteria

Eligibility, Registration and Submission form

Green Star Certification Agreement

Area Definition Form

General submission pointers

Guidance - Submitting for Design Review



Submission template

Submission folder structure

Submission planner


Modelling Producer Statement

Construction and Demolition Waste Reporting Criteria

Waste Contractor Disclosure Statement

Waste Processing Facility - Disclosure Statement


15 & 16 - Shared Services and Low-Carbon Energy Supply Assessment Guide

15 & 16 - Energy Consumption and GHG Calculation Guide

15 & 16 - GHG Emissions Calculator

17A Performance Pathway - Sustainable Transport Calculator Guide

17A Performance Pathway - Sustainable Transport Calculator

17B Prescriptive Pathway - Public Transport Calculator Guide 

17B Prescriptive Pathway - Public Transport Calculator

18 - Potable Water Calculator Guide

18 - Potable Water Calculator

19 - Embodied Carbon Calculator Guide

19 - Embodied Carbon Methodology

19 - Embodied Carbon Calculator Please note, Microsoft often blocks macros on downloaded documents. In order to access the full calculator functionality macros needs to be enabled. Macros and adding the document as a trusted file can be done when the document is first downloaded or through the file's security properties. Find out more here

19 - Life Cycle Impacts Calculator Guide

19 - Life Cycle Impacts Calculator

Daylight and Views Hand Calculation Guide

Ecological Value Calculator

Refrigerant Impacts Calculator


Technical Question Form

Technical Clarification Rulings

Green Star recognises innovation and efforts to carve out new ways of building sustainably. Often these sit outside the current benchmarks laid out in the tool, however points are awarded under a seperate 'Innovation' credit. This recognises new initiates with a significant sustainability benefit.

Each project can submit up to 10 innovations to be considered for approval, for a maximum of 10 points towards a Green Star rating.

If you have an idea for an innovation in your project, we encourage you to talk to us as early in the process as possible.
How to claim Innovations
1. After reviewing the section for Innovation in the Green Star Submission Guidelines, your Green Star Accredited Professional will then need to registers a project’s interest in targeting an Innovation with the NZGBC.
2. You will then need to submit a completed Innovation submission using the template below. This outlines the initiative, its sustainability benefits and relevance in New Zealand.
3. Documentation will then need to be submitted for assessment after registration but before Round Two).
Project teams can provide partial documents or full documents in a 'Pre-Round One' or 'Pre-Round Two' review for each proposed innovation. If the innovation is granted conditionally pending further documentation, all the remaining documents need to be provided in either Round One or Round Two assessment. Innovations can't be targeted after Round Two.
Innovation Challenges
In addition to innovations claimed by projects, both Green Star and Homestar have published a list of innovation challenges. These recognise initiatives that don’t currently fit in to the main framework of these tools but that we believe are important to encourage and recognise. They cover environmental, social and economic sustainability initiatives. While some challenges only apply to some tools, others across all our tools. Several current innovation challenges were originally published by the Green Building Council of Australia for Green Star projects there, but have been adapted for Green Star and Homestar projects in New Zealand.
Click here to go see the Table of Innovation Challenges
You are welcome to submit a new challenge relating to sustainability issues you would like to address
Submission Template 

The submission template is developed to assist your project with an innovation submission – these will be submitted to us by your Green Star Accredited Professional (GSAP)

Innovation Template

Innovation Record
We’ve already recognised some incredible New Zealand buildings for innovative design and strategies.

Green Star Previously Awarded Innovations

Example submissions
These submissions, from NZGBC’s own office fit-out, will give you an idea of what NZGBC expects.

Exceeding IEQ-C: credit template and submission documents

Beyond Green Star


Disclosure Template

Built Streamlining Form

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This category recognises activities that ensure the product manufacturer can account for climate, environmental, and health impacts of its product, and for ongoing improvements in the manufacturing process. 
Credits in this category:   

  • Drive and encourage the use of environmental impact declarations  

  • Acknowledge health impacts from components and chemicals used in the sourcing and manufacturing of products  

  • Require the disclosure of climate impacts from the sourcing and manufacturing of products  

  • Encourage a systematic approach to ongoing improvements in the manufacturing of products 

This category recognises practices that improve the health impacts of buildings. 
The healthy category aims to drive change in the manufacture of products with a particular view to:

  • Reduce chemicals of concern (which have both significant health impacts, and act as a barrier to a circular economy),   

  • Ensure the manufacturing of the product does not impact on human rights; and   

  • Address the social health of the community where the product is being manufactured.  

This category recognises products and manufacturers that are reducing or eliminating their impacts on our planet.  The credits emphasize the impact that the supply chain has on resource consumption and climate. These impacts are noticeable in terms of the amount of energy, water, and waste consumed, as well as the use of non-virgin materials. 

The Positive Category aims to drive: 

  • Reductions in energy and water use, and in material extraction impacts  

  • Deep reductions in the decarbonisation of product manufacturing - both today and within 20 years

  • Protection and regeneration of natural air, water, and land resources 

This category recognises strategies and practices to ensure products are designed to reduce the amount of virgin materials used, and to maintain the product at its highest value for as long as possible, while eliminating waste and pollution, and regenerating nature. This category seeks to do this by: 

The circular category seeks to do this by focusing on: 

  • Encouraging the use of design for disassembly  

  • Reducing packaging or replacing with sustainable alternatives  

  • Reducing the requirement for raw materials  

  • Eliminating waste through design, production and packaging  

  • Ensuring processes do not produce pollutants that adversely affect water, air, land, community animals or humans

  • Keeping products in circulation and ensuring they retain value for future use and users  

  • Regenerating nature  

  • Recycling product content of ‘new materials’  

  • Utilising collaboration and multidisciplinary action to change production processes and behaviours   

  • Considering end-of-life pathways 

The leadership category recognises claims for new or innovative technologies, processes, or achievements beyond the core categories.
The claims awarded in this category may be included in future versions of the Responsible Products Guidelines to reward certain approaches.  
Manufacturers should contact the Green Building Council of Australia to raise a technical question to achieve points in this category. 

Understanding eligibility for an RPV

The Responsible Products programme recognises initiatives that certify products available for use in the built environment.  We rely on third party initiatives or product certification initiatives to assess the impact that a product has against the five criteria described above.  

Initiatives are required to demonstrate compliance with the minimum expectations and a selection of the technical criteria. Once these have been met, an initiative will be recognised, and an RPV will be awarded. The programme assigns RPVs to initiatives and these are passed onto the products they recognise. The RPV is assigned to the initiative, not directly to any product itself. 

See here how an RPV is used in Green Star: 

How responsible products are recognised within Green Star and Homestar

The Responsible Products credits in Green Star and Homestar award points for the use of products and materials that are certified by recognised initiatives. Project teams can target the Responsible Products credits by specifying products in the Responsible Products calculator that meet or exceed the thresholds for Good or Best Practice as outlined in the individual credits. 

The credits require a minimum percentage of all materials (by cost) to be "responsible products". Responsible products are products that hold one or multiple initiatives recognised by these guidelines.   

All products and materials and their percentage as defined by each Responsible Product credit by cost are pooled together. For example, in the Responsible Structure Credit (below) a minimum of 50% of these materials by cost need to have an RPV of 10 or above to gain the project a credit achievement. 

An RPV can currently be used for: 
Green Star Buildings v1
Green Star Design & As Built

The Responsible Products Calculator

The Responsible Products calculator will allow a project team with a registered Green Star project, to submit for the responsible products credits.   
The products will need to be added to the Responsible Products calculator following these steps.    

  1. Determining which compliant initiative the product has been issued.
  2. Search the Score Checker for the initiative. Click on the green + sign to add the initiative.  

You can find the Green Star Buildings calculator here
For Design & As Built, please refer to the Design & As Built section below.

The Responsible Products Score Checker

Example of how the score checker works for a product certified by two initiatives:

3.The Responsible Product Value (RPV) will then be displayed at the bottom of the page. Adding multiple initiative will display the value based on that combination. (Note that the value may not be the sum of the individual values) 

For Green Star Buildings - Download the Responsible Products Excel Calculator here. 
For Design & As Built – check out the Design & As Built section below.

4. Select the relevant initiative and Copy the resulting RPV into the Excel Calculator. (Note that if the initiative is part of the scorechecker but does not appear in the excel drop down, it can be manually added in the Introduction tab.) 

5. The project team puts the necessary information into the calculator, including the associated RPV collected from the Responsible Product Score Checker.  

6. The initiative score checker has been created to allow users to view the RPV for each product certification initiative as well as initiative combinations - access the score checker here 


For Design & As Built - NZGBC framework for product certification

For projects registered to Green Star Design and As Built v1.0 and v1.1 the Responsible Products Framework may be used in lieu of the NZGBC’s Framework for Product Certification Scheme found in credit 21 (Sustainable Products) in DAB and Interiors. This also applies to Homestar v5 Credit EN3. 

The following Responsible Products Value (RPV) may be converted to the previous levels A, B and C:  

  • RPV 10 or above = Level A 
  • RPV 7 – 9 = Level B 
  • RPV 5 – 6 = Level C

 The Green Star Design & As-Built Calculator can be found here 

Creating a profile on the GBCA website

To use the Responsible Products Programme, you’ll need to create a GBCA online profile. 

First, you’ll need to sign up by clicking ‘sign up’ in the top right of the Score Checker page 

From here click ‘Join’ and enter your email address. You will be emailed a verification code which you’ll need to copy and paste into the box provided, then select verify code. 


Once verified, you’ll be required to fill in some further details to create your profile. 

From there you should be able to sign in to your account. Please note that if you encounter an error when signing in, please retry by opening the GBCA website in a new tab and logging in again. 

Introduction to Green Star

Green Star is Australasia's largest voluntary sustainability rating system for non-residential buildings, fitouts and communities.

Introduction to Homestar

Homestar is New Zealand's leading holistic sustainability certification for new home design and construction.